Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.

Age 30

Software Engineer

Essex, UK

Joined on 9/25/05

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F1Krazy's News

Posted by F1Krazy - July 24th, 2011

Let's get my depressive rant off the front of my user page, eh?

As you know, a little while ago I announced a collab with ToastedToastyToast, in which we would make a scene creator together. This would remove all the coding issues I've been having over the years, as he'd be doing the coding and not me.

Well, with two months to go until Madness Day, we're finally getting things underway. I've compiled an .fla full of stuff to go in the scene creator and I'll be sending it to him shortly. If you guys have any requests for things to include, now's the time to tell me.

EDIT: I'm also beta testing ToastedToastyToast's new game. I dunno what it's called but it involves robots.

EDIT 2: ToastedToastyToast's created a forum for he and his buddies to hang out in. If you wanna sign up and earn some khama here's the link. I've already signed up, so feel free to.

EDIT 3: I've been flicking through the reviews for MSC4. It has a 9.51/10 review score, which is absolutely amazing. The support I have from my fans is incredible; there's a large number of reviews that just say "Make MSC5!". So you know what? After this collab with ToastedToastyToast is out of the way, I reckon I'll start work on MSC5 early. See if I can get it to you guys as a Christmas present ^^

I'll update you guys soon.

Posted by F1Krazy - June 23rd, 2011

There's so much stuff going on at the moment, I feel I just have to share it with you guys. So here goes...(deep breath)...

Firstly, as you may be aware, today is Sonic the Hedgehog's 20th anniversary. Being the huge Sonic fan that I am, I decided to celebrate by making an AMV...about Sonic's darker side. Well, actually, I made the AMV back in February/March and only submitted it today. Anyway, here it is:

[UPDATE] The prom went on until about midnight, I got home at 1am T.T I've only just woken up and I still feel tired. Still, it was fun: I danced, I drank J2O, I set fire to pretzels then ate them ^^

{UPDATE 2] Summer of Sonic 2011 turned into a real bummer...because we didn't pre-register tickets (we were on holiday at the time), we had to queue up to get in. We got there expecting a small queue...it was MASSIVE! We waited an hour before deciding to call it a day. So thank you, TSS. Thank you for nothing.

Team Shadica has a new member! Which reminds me...check out our website ^^

My upcoming updates for MMSC1/2/3 may include graphical updates, changing the old style of heads/bodies for new ones. I may also change the background image; I drew it four years ago and it's starting to look rather crappy.

I think that's about it.

[UPDATE 3] Moar news! Here's a crazy idea I've been thinking about...MMSC5 on your iPhone/iPad! Think about it...you can take the Madness with you wherever you go, and I actually make money from it! Everybody wins! Sure, I can barely handle ActionScript, let alone whatever form of coding the App Store uses - plus I don't have the tools, and they're probably really expensive - but it's a good idea, right? I even did a mock-up of how it might look, using PowerPoint:

Posted by F1Krazy - June 11th, 2011

Do you guys like my new profile picture? It looks a bit more professional, and makes Mystery look a bit more original. Also I didn't make it in MS Paint for a change XD

Anyway, there are two BIG milestones slowly approaching:

*First, as of today MMSC3 is currently on 432,500 views. Soon, it'll reach the magic 500k mark.
*Second, in September next year MMSC1 will celebrate its fifth anniversary.

And throughout it all, the support I've been getting from you guys has been amazing. I want to thank you all.

So, whichever milestone is achieved first will be celebrated with a BIG update for my first three scene creators (that's MMSC1, MMSC2, and MMSC3). What's included in the update is a surprise, but if you guys have any suggestions for improvements I'd be happy to hear them.

For now, though, it's back to Fable III. See you all later! ^^

EDIT: Can people PLEASE stop spamming my comments pages with links to indecent videos! I DON'T WANT TO WATCH THEM (I'm not interested in solo porn, since it's not really porn). I don't care if someone's paying you to do it, it's spam, it's annoying, and since I'm only 16 it's technically illegal for me to watch them. Thank you.

Posted by F1Krazy - May 28th, 2011

Late last year I posted a "What's Coming in 2011" news post, detailing my upcoming projects for this year. Six months on, I figured it would be good to give you guys an indication of how they're getting on.

As you may know, this plan has now changed; instead of making MMSC5 this year I'm doing a collab with tri-circle (now calling himself ToastedToastyToast). My personal intention is to learn new techniques from the collab in order to make MMSC5 for real next year. We've barely started work on the collab, but worry not; I'm sure we'll be able to complete it by Madness Day (at least, that's the intention).

My GP4 crash compilations are still going strong. Since December I've submitted five new crash compilations; my latest video, GP4 Crash Compilation XI, can be seen here.

Season 2 of YouTube F1, with PhoenixFirebreath, ended last week. To watch all the races from both seasons of YouTube F1, and to read more about Phoenix and my other YouTube friends, click here.

I've created 16-bit versions of 12 Formula One cars from the 1990 season, but I haven't bothered to submit them yet; I'll do that some other time.

My SatAM/Archie fanfiction is still in the works; I've started work on four episodes but I haven't finished any of them yet. On the other hand, Mystery: Ultimate Darkness, a collab with my friend, is well underway. I'm submitting an episode to deviantART every Saturday, and since today's Saturday, I've just uploaded a new episode. Check out the episodes so far here.

Again, not much else to say, really. Check out our website though. Its visitors seem to find it kinda useful ^^

That's it. Now, I'd better get going. Portal 2 awaits!

Posted by F1Krazy - May 15th, 2011

Except for three exams, and my prom (23rd June, same as Sonic's 20th anniversary, which sucks), my time is now my own. This means I can get to work on my MSC collab with tri-circle (now calling himself ToastedToastyToast).

Also, the first part of Mystery: Ultimate Darkness has just been released on deviantArt! Go check it out! It's a bit of a long read, but it's good ^^

Posted by F1Krazy - April 11th, 2011

I've just been trawling the Internet out of interest, and found at least four sites hosting my games without my permission. Worse, at least one has been passing them off as their own and not mine. I'm not amused.

Now, I don't mind other websites hosting my games. What I do mind is them taking the credit for making them. So I'm taking action. Watch this space (and several others)

Posted by F1Krazy - April 5th, 2011

Just a few things.

Firstly, after this week I have a two-week Easter holiday, then a bunch of bank holidays (thank you Wills & Kate!), then I go onto a reduced timetable, then finally on May 25th I finish school for good. That gives me more or less THREE WHOLE MONTHS to work on my project with tri-circle. So good news!

Secondly, I intend to start finally writing my Sonic fanfiction over the holidays. Mystery: Ultimate Darkness, a collab with a friend of mine featuring both our characters, will start being uploaded on deviantArt in May, followed by Sonic the Hedgehog Returns (my SatAM/Archie Comics fanfic), then ultimately Mystery: The Legion, my own personal fanseries focusing solely on my fancharacters. Can't wait.

Thirdly, I posted my latest crash video on YouTube. It's a collab between me and PhoenixFirebreath, and it's awesome.

Finally, I commend Tom Fulp for his elaborate April Fools prank, which succeeded in confusing me.

So, yeah. That's what's been happening at my end.

Also, a Final Fantasy VII walkthrough. Just for the sheer awesomeness of seeing sped-up footage of a cross-dressing Cloud being chased round a room by a bunch of pervs, while the Benny Hill theme music plays. I BOW BEFORE MY OWN AWESOMENESS.

Posted by F1Krazy - February 28th, 2011

DOUBLE EDIT: Okay, forget what I said before (especially the bit about the spammer...he wasn't too happy about it). I'm currently in negotiations with tri-circle (whose programming skills are 100 times better than mine) about doing a collaboration with him. The good news is, that means my programming worries should (hopefully) be sorted.

The bad news is, if we do end up doing the collab, then MMSC5 will probably never happen. Sorry about that.

Posted by F1Krazy - January 26th, 2011

I've had two ideas recently. And here they are.

IDEA 1: I've only made Madness Scene Creators. So what if I were to make scene creators about other things, as well? For example, Sonic the Hedgehog.

IDEA 2: A lot of people ask me how I make my scene creators, and PM me asking for the code I use. So what if I were to make a tutorial telling people how to make a scene creator?

What do you guys reckon?

Posted by F1Krazy - December 25th, 2010

I'm 16 in less than two weeks' time, so I probably won't get any more visits from Santa. Shame. Ah well. He just brings me the same tat every year anyway; this year I got a book I ALREADY OWNED. However...I GOT A PS3! WOO! ^^

Anyway, as I was saying, it's my sweet sixteenth on January 6th. From then, it's exams, coursework and more exams until about May. That leaves me about four months to build Madness Scene Creator 5 from the ground up (it's all totally new this year, not just MSC4 with some new stuff bolted on). Then I go to sixth form, and it's even MORE coursework. So this'll probably be the last news post I ever make :P

BTW, this is what I get up to when I'm bored.

Happy Christmas guys. Roll on 2011!