I know you're all impatient for MMSC5. And I know I haven't exactly been working flat-out to get it finished. But I'm nearly there. Right now I'm in the middle of a major test session, working out the kinks and adding in some more items. Soon I'll fire off a PM to ToastedToastyToast asking about a few things I need help with, and then I can finally get this SOB finished and uploaded. Then we can all rejoice.
Just hang in there a little longer.
EDIT: (24/01/2012) Me and ToastedToastyToast are currently ironing out the problems with the coding and that, at least, should be finished in a few days. Then it's just a question of adding more stuff, playtesting the hell out of the thing, adding a few graphical touches and then BAM, it's done. Fingers crossed.