can i send you a sprite sheet you might use in your scene creator?
Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
can i send you a sprite sheet you might use in your scene creator?
I'd certainly appreciate it ^^
by the way, you find any more cool codes for scene creators, flip scale, ect, you be sure to tlel me.
Sure thing ^^
sorry for leaving so many comments, but uhh can i help with MSC collab? i have <a href="">
573819_Untitled_1.swf.basic</a> action script skills:
Don't worry about leaving loads of comments, I don't mind getting them. Unless they're spam ><
<a href="">
573819_Untitled_1.swf</a> no i feel stupid
Don't feel stupid, I've done stuff like that before :P
This is pretty good. Lots of stuff in there I could use. I'll talk to ToastedToastyToast and see what he thinks.
my guinea pig is wearing his hat again and just ran outside with it over his eyes and knocked over a flower pot
That's either a small flower pot of a large guinea pig :P
it was a tiny flower pot now i will interview him
me: soooooo snickers what do you think of ryan?
snickers: who?
me: that guy online that i talk about you with
snickers: ohhhh him does he have carrots?
me: i have no clue
snickers: does he like me
me: not really that i can tell
snickers: screw him then
me: woah dude he is awesome
snickers: screw you too
Lol XD
that was a real interview with him so now all your sumissoins are 9/10 4/5
my comouter sucks i try my best to spell but the ADS make it lag too much
Yeah, it sucks when that happens :P
lol i had a usa army man and a iraq one and my guinea pig bit off the iraqs head
so what does toasted toasty toast think of me helping?
He hasn't really mentioned it, so I'm not sure.
my guinea pig pooed on a iraq tank and also i hate sonic
Well, we can't all like the same things.
the new god of scene creators is now gaining his power
So now I'm a god? Cool ^^
PH33R M3.