Well, all good an' all...
...but I prefer to make the scenes in Bitmap then import them into the movie (only import the first frame-if it says do you want to import all the frames in the series say yes)
Really nice game.
This is one game that can make me a happy bunny (pun) This is like a real console game, it even has I high-scores list (I'm the only one on it-beat 29800!) but the music gets on your nerves after awhile. The choccie bunny reminds me of Lindt.
Pretty good
Cool Pictures of Sonic and that - though for one of the questions it shows Chris Thorndyke with the other characters-and it's not about Sonic X. AND the...oh, can't say, or I'll ruin it for those who ain't unlocked the the bonus yet. But the bonus is COOOOL!
Style-It's Sonic.
Sound-Not a 10 'coz the music gets annoying. Emerald Coast, Sonic Adventure/SADX, I do believe.
Violence-The simple reason that there is none.
Interactivity-I answered something like 6 questions correctly, then got ne wrong! (s**t, keyboard's playn' up.
Nice, but...
Well, it woulda been better if I was actually any good at these games-I forgot this wasn't a CPUvCPU, forgot what the controls were, and conceded a goal after about 5 seconds! (I'm not all that bad at footie sims. I once won a game 7-1 on FIFA 06!)
Nice game
I got a high-score of 193820, shame the hi-scores don't work. The same can't be said for the 2nd version, I'm not as good at that.
Nice one
This handled lika a real SEGA game, it was so realistic. My top score is 15300, which I think is pretty good.
I tried to do the ball & platform thingy but I couldn't see any crosses so I gave up on it.
I got highscores of-
756 in timed mode
one-thousand, five-hundred-and-something in survival mode
Keep it up!
cool, thanks :)
Ohh yeah...
I'm not good with Pacman-style games, but...hardcore Pacman. That was like playing the console version...if there is one.
Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05