Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
Posted by F1Krazy - April 20th, 2020
My Ludum Dare 46 entry, Save The Bird!, is now live on Newgrounds! This time around it's a Jam entry, and one I couldn't have done without the help of @alanxoc3 on Twitter, who provided the initial concept, music, and various other bits and pieces.
It's a bit more arcade-y and whimsical than my previous entries, but I was aiming to do something different this time round, and I feel like I've succeeded. Give it a try, and see how long you can keep the bird alive for!
Posted by F1Krazy - February 1st, 2020
As you may know, Adobe is planning to kill off Flash later this year. Newgrounds will live on thanks to the NG Player plugin, but anyway...
There's a project called "Flashpoint", that's taking thousands and thousands of Flash games from across the Internet and preserving them in offline form, so they can be played whenever, wherever, forever. I think it's important that content from bygone eras is preserved, so I wholeheartedly support this project.
Even better: I checked their master list of games preserved so far, and Madness Scene Creator 3 is on there! For something I threw together at the age of 13, using artwork and code I found on the Internet, I'm genuinely astonished at the amount of mileage it's gotten. Twelve years later, it's at over 1 million views here on NG... and now it's being preserved for all eternity.
Check out Flashpoint here, I'm sure there's a ton of other Newgrounds classics being preserved there too. And I've put in an official request for them to preserve Madness Scene Creator 5, too, so keep an eye out for that!
Posted by F1Krazy - October 7th, 2019
I burned myself out a bit making this, but here it is: my Ludum Dare 45 entry! It's a game about trying to make a Ludum Dare 45 entry.
Play it here, and if you're a fellow entrant, rate it on the official LD website!
Posted by F1Krazy - April 29th, 2019
No, not me - it's my Ludum Dare 44 entry!
After a couple of quick fixes, it's now live on the TIC-80 website! Please note that as the TIC-80 exporter doesn't fix the Chrome autoplay issue, I will not be releasing the game on Newgrounds for the foreseeable future.
Posted by F1Krazy - February 14th, 2019
I said I'd try and release it on Valentine's Day, and I have. This is an upgraded version of my Ludum Dare 41 entry, boasting improved graphics and sound effects, multiple difficulty levels, and numerous other fixes and tweaks.
Posted by F1Krazy - December 25th, 2018
This has been quite the year for me. I started competing in Ludum Dare in April and now have three completed Compo entries, all of which have done reasonably well. My LD activity - and more recently, Tumblr's lewd nuke - have spurred me to become active here again, after not really checking in for about five years. I've now racked up two more frontpage appearances and another Daily 4th Place.
My aim for 2019 is to ramp up my game dev activities, and start producing larger games outside of Ludum Dare. I already have a larger PICO-8 platformer in the works, using the base engine from my LD43 entry, so hopefully I can get that released at some point next year. My LD41 entry, which I never posted here, will finally hit the site on either Pixel Day or Valentine's Day.
A big thank you to everyone who's been playing and supporting my games this year! I hope to comtinue making them for many more years to come.
Posted by F1Krazy - December 4th, 2018
First of all, can I just say: having been here for 13 years, it is amazing to watch this place get catapulted back into the limelight by the whole Tumblr fiasco. Artists I've been following for a while are flocking here in their droves, and it's great to see. On the off chance that you're reading this having migrated here from Tumblr: welcome! I hope you'll enjoy it here!
Now, to business: my Ludum Dare 43 entry, The Gods Are Angry, has proven more successful than I'd ever hoped. Frontpage, Daily 4th Place, and it's currently the thumbnail for the site's LD43 collection! I'm annoyed with myself for rushing it out the door with the end cutscene and restart procedure completely broken, but I've just released a second patch and those should all be fixed now.
Thank you all for your kind words and support. It's great seeing so many people enjoying the game. Looking forward to LD44 already!
Posted by F1Krazy - August 12th, 2018
A few months ago, I took part in my first Ludum Dare, and while I was proud of my entry and it did well, I felt it needed a lot more polish before it was ready for Newgrounds.
My LD42 entry, however, is polished enough that I'm submitting it here right off the bat! My first submission here in six years, my first-ever wholly-original submission... I proudly present AsterVoid!
Play it here: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/715373
And feel free to go and rate it over on the LD site as well: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/42/astervoid
Posted by F1Krazy - April 23rd, 2018
Wow, this place has changed... loving the new profile stuff! When was that added? It's been too long since I checked in here.
But here's something cool: an actual game from me! I entered Ludum Dare for the first time this weekend, and threw together a bullet hell/dating sim mashup in PICO-8. Unfortunately that means I can't submit it here, but I hope you'll give it a play nonetheless! It's called Love Is A Battlefield and you can find it here.
I hope I can get some more stuff done this year!