First of all, can I just say: having been here for 13 years, it is amazing to watch this place get catapulted back into the limelight by the whole Tumblr fiasco. Artists I've been following for a while are flocking here in their droves, and it's great to see. On the off chance that you're reading this having migrated here from Tumblr: welcome! I hope you'll enjoy it here!
Now, to business: my Ludum Dare 43 entry, The Gods Are Angry, has proven more successful than I'd ever hoped. Frontpage, Daily 4th Place, and it's currently the thumbnail for the site's LD43 collection! I'm annoyed with myself for rushing it out the door with the end cutscene and restart procedure completely broken, but I've just released a second patch and those should all be fixed now.
Thank you all for your kind words and support. It's great seeing so many people enjoying the game. Looking forward to LD44 already!
Ludum Dare came at a bit of an inopportune time this year, with all these new artists popping up right now and taking our attention... or maybe it's actually perfect in what first impressions they'll get when they come here. Lotta cool games in circulation too. Not just the overload of NSFW loops.
From that screenshot this looks like something I'd like to play too... hope to get some time and check it out! Looks good.
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, the influx of traffic can only be a good thing. Even if people aren't coming here specifically to play our games, they'll still see 'em right on the frontpage.