Cambridge! Congrats for getting in!
Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
Cambridge! Congrats for getting in!
Thanks :D
want me to send you some cookies
Perhaps. For now I think I have enough food.
You krazy
Yes, I am krazy, thank you for noticing.
Good luck.
Thanks :D
Cambridge is prestigious man, good on you. What're you studying?
Computer Games Development, of course! :D
remeber avoid the drinks and avoid the hot chicks bro :D
bit hard to program a game with a hangover and i also recomend bringing a large knife with you as to scare pranksters away with
I won't be programming non-stop, I'm going to try and give myself a life outside of the Internet while I'm here, and perhaps trying to find a girlfriend as well.
Thanks :D