hey man i need a good sturdy medic buddy in tf2 you want to play with me? i will pm you my name
Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
hey man i need a good sturdy medic buddy in tf2 you want to play with me? i will pm you my name
Maybe sometime. I gotta warn you though, I'm shit at multiplayer FPS.
I like how each time I visit this page you've JUST made a news post.
I'm not sure what kind of Anime you're into, but you should watch Midori Days or Kaichou wa maid sama.
I'll look 'em up, if they look interesting I'll put 'em on my "to-watch" list.
so am i im always the medic
I just choose whatever class I feel like, can't remember which one I use most often.
it seems like all the free to play games on steam are first person shooters but frankly i think they need some puzzle games and a offline mode so if im stuck in a cottage with no internet for a week i have a few games
Yeah. I only have a few games on Steam because I don't have that much money and the free-to-play games there don't interest me (other than Team Fortress 2)
kinda funny how people expect me to heal them when they start running off in a random direction like right into the battlefield and force me to follow them and my crappy ass computer finds it funny when my team is about to win to crash the game on me
I think what the people are thinking is that by running into the battlefield, with you following behind and healing them, they'll be able to fight well, sustain plenty of damage, and not get killed (because you're healing them). Sure, you're an open target, but they probably care more about their own safety than yours. Just gotta take one for the team in those circumstances.
And that must suck, having your computer crash at those sorts of times. My PC doesn't crash, but my Steam connection can crash occasionally and that's just as annoying.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEnWvHrfgYE">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEnWvHrfgYE</a> youre a brony rite?
Yep. That is brilliant.
i try to follow them but they don't realise that i don't have an ubercharage and there in the midist of combat and if they want healing they should PROTECT the medic not let him DIE! it kinda defeats the point of having him there in the first place to NOT get killed by letting the guy whos keeping you alive die
Yeah, kinda counter-intuitive, really :P
i may be getting a new pet and i also found out that there is an awesome idea for a weapon based around the eyelander in my head
Hey, if you do make MMSC6, at least reintroduce the snub revolver. (I'm not forcing you make MMSC6. If you don't want to create MMSC6 well that's fine. Don't create MMSC6 if you don't want to. in fact, i think you should try out other genres of flash gaming. like sci-fi or drama or even comedy. Take a break from madness and try some other ideas.)
That's certainly my intention; to take a break, try some other things, have a go at creating some more complex games. If I ever do make an MMSC6, it's be once I have the skills to be able to implement everything I want.
i think you should try to draw in real life just to free yourself from madness combat try somthing new and such
Yeah, I really do need to practice drawing and get better at it, I have to start making games with original artwork eventually.
Hey dude, could I have the rotation and flip code for flash?
*you suddenly burst into flames* i may be in a wheelchair
A wheelchair? How come?
my knees are super bad plus i had to get rid of steam!
I'm sorry to hear that.
ninjas can't catch you if your on FIRE!
*hands you a millon bucks and gives you bella* give a man fire he will be warm for a day set a man on fire he will be warm for a lifetime
That's a pretty funny quote, actually.
you know what you should do get a fish and watch it
Might do.
also im 14 now!!!! whooo! yeah! motherfuckers......merp! *offers you some cake* CCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday :) Thanks for the cake.
note: violence is ALWAYS the answer in fact look at our ansestors you want somthing they had you pounded there skull in and took it
Exactly what I'm going through, man! All that break has really gotten to my head, but frankly, school is coming soon and we'll have less time to do anything!
What are we to do? :(
I have no idea.