I liked all your Scene Creators. But now that you are back, are you going to move on or go on with something you have been doing for a while?
Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
I liked all your Scene Creators. But now that you are back, are you going to move on or go on with something you have been doing for a while?
I have a couple of ideas for things to try before I go back to scene creators. Whether I have the time/energy/skills to create them, is yet to be determined.
More scene creators for us! :3
In time, possibly.
awesome man bella grew and i got a real army jacket
welkome back bud!
Thanks man.
i know your pain when i had my tonsiles out all i could do is nod and not do much
Glad Your Back Bro.
So am I.
Cool, bro. Glad to see it all worked out, so how bad was your condition, in the first place?
The curve in my spine was pretty darn bad (almost 90 degrees). They had to do the operation in two stages, hence why I was in there for a while. For the first week I had to lie down and couldn't move from the bed at all because my spine was essentially in pieces. After the second op I recovered pretty quickly and I was discharged four days earlier than I expected to be.
i managed to smash my head into a wall and smash my foot up and get awesome stuff
Awesome, Let's Parrrrtttyyyyyy!!!!!
Well it's been 3 weeks, and 9 days since we last heard from you, so, are you doing better?
Yes, much better, thanks. Sorry for my lack of activity here, I've just been a) resting a lot, and b) very busy with other things. I haven't had much time for NG.
Time for another check up, How are you doin bro, you ok?
Yeah, I'll be having a check-up in about a week to see how my recovery is going. Fingers crossed everything is fine. I'm still busy with other things, hence my continued inactivity here. I'll have to make another post sometime.
...who are you again?
I don't know. Who am I?