And some no hands!
I'm a guy with way too many ideas and not enough time. In my spare time I develop indie games and occasionally write things.
Age 30, Male
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
And some no hands!
yayayayayay im getting close!!
23 blams 98 saves = 1.000.000 saves!
Use it whit calucator!
Few moree!
ouch my hand!
No comments!
Guys, PLEASE. I don't appreciate being caught in the middle of your childish flame war, or having my page spammed with comments.
Also Lucio, have you ever seen the Simpsons episode "Homer's Enemy" with Frank Grimes? Homer spends the entire episode driving Frank crazy until at the end he completely loses it and starts imitating Homer's stupidity. "Look at me! I'm Homer Simpson! I'm a complete idiot!" Your spam outburst just completely reminded me of that.
I'm gonna keep these comments, since you went to all the trouble of writing them all, but in future any offensive comments from you or pirate9899 (either towards me or each other) will be deleted. Pirate9899 may notice I have already in the past deleted some of his less mature posts. I do want us all to get along, and I don't want to drive two of my biggest fans away, but I can't stand watching all this in-fighting, especially when it's going on on my own userpage.
lolol okey!
Thank you.
Hey, I check your newgrounds page when I have time the time, what are all of the characters being included in MSC5?
Hank, Sanford, Deimos, Tricky, the Auditor, Jebus, standard dudes, 1337 Agents, zombies, and ATP agents. BOOM.
Forgot to take out the first time...
luico truce k no more spamming eatch other you win k *High fives ryan*
*high fives back* Thanks for your co-operation, dude, I appreciate it ^^
How many different knives/swords will there be?
Only a few, probably. There'll be Hank's katana, Jebus' 316 Sword, and a few others. There'll be plenty of each, though.
can you get rid of those spam messages from luico
I'll keep some of them, maybe, but I'll definitely delete the ones that concern you.
F1Krazy, I've been playing a lot of scene creators, and, if it's okay, can you put in these following items:
ATP Agent
SW 500 magnum
MAG Agent(s)
Most of the other guns from MC 8-10
If you can do all of this, I will be forever happy. I know this scene creator is hard to make(at least I think so), so I hope my requests can be filled.
I dunno if I can fit in the MAG Agents, but the rest of it will all be included. Thanks for reminding me about the Smith and Wesson, I'll go include that.
*ahem* Cookie
Cookie! ^^
cmon F1Krazy go vote 5 games and LEVEL UP!only 10 exp left!
I'll go about it whenever.
When will your amazing scene creator be out??
Hopefully some time in the New Year.
1 madness guy has got 4 eyes!