I just came back to play MMSC4 from a while and noticed my picture on the preloader. Thank you so much for advertising my art on your game. It shows how much creativity I have. :P
Hobbyist game developer and web novelist. Way too many ideas, not enough time.
Age 30
Software Engineer
Essex, UK
Joined on 9/25/05
I just came back to play MMSC4 from a while and noticed my picture on the preloader. Thank you so much for advertising my art on your game. It shows how much creativity I have. :P
You're welcome. After all, it was an impressive scene.
MOAR MADNESS. this site needs scene creators. the last few APPARENTLY "got blammed" at a high score...
Evidently not a high enough score lol :P
Indeed, while I have not a clue whether or not you've created movies, or anything else than scene creators, I look foward to viewing your creations in the future!
Pm me when you next creation arrives!
- Also note the words creation was overused, so my comment is a creation and for being a creation made by a creator I decide to leave a creative comment to your post marking you haven't posted anything other than creators in awhiles so creativly I will leave with some creative advice for your creations... 9 times I've said a word derived from creation ... 10, so just ponder about it for abit I guess =P srry for wasting your time.
Good for you man! As blockhead once said, "Freedom is scrumshis I will now comfiscate this new flavor" (Then he ate a toaster) btw I press print screen on my keyboard and it does nothing, can you please tell me another solution, in madness scene creator 4?
You have to then open Paint/PowerPoint/whatever and press Paste. The screenshot should then appear, ready to be cropped and saved.